
Wunderlist reviews
Wunderlist reviews

wunderlist reviews

Stuffing everything onto a single list isn't too useful: tap on the large "plus" sign sitting at the bottom of the app's main screen and to create new ones. Inbox serves as a sort of catch-all for your tasks: dump everything you need to get done in there. Those first two are "Smart Lists" that automatically appear and filter any tasks you've created with a due date. When you first fire up the app, you'll see three fields for Today, Week, and Inbox. It's a simple, functional design that works rather well.īeing free and platform-agnostic is a powerful combination, especially for a tool that only really shines if you can access it anywhere: on the Web, as a desktop application on the Mac, and for iOS and Android.

wunderlist reviews

There's a lists of lists, your profile image, and a background - you can use a solid color, or choose from a handful of themes. The features are otherwise rather identical - I suppose it helps that Wunderlist is fairly simple, as far productivity tools go. Wunderlist for Windows Phone looks slightly different than its iOS and Android counterparts, but that's mostly to stay in line with Windows Phone 8 aesthetics.

Wunderlist reviews