
Houdini escape
Houdini escape

If you want to know how the two-rope Jack Hughes’ Cuban Release works, click here. This is the other version using two ropes, called “ Two Rope Method Of Cuban Release“. Watch this video by Brother Bor demonstrating “ Cuban Release“. This Houdini block off the rope trick is inspired by Jack Hughes’ “ Cuban Release” aka “ Cube On Release“. The solid wooden block magically goes through the rope/cord. This is the video of Houdini Escape Block:īasically Houdini Block Escape by Magic Wagon is a penetration illusion. The cord or rope is still in one piece resting on the elevated stand with the frame above. Magically, the wooden block manages to free itself from the cord. Now the performer slowly pushes the wooden block out from the frame and the stand. The wooden block is now locked within the frame. The two ends of the cord are placed at each end of the stand and always in full view.

houdini escape

Then he places it on a specially-designed elevated stand.Ī handle-like reversed U-shaped frame is slotted onto the stand over the wooden block with the cord running through it. The performer threads the rope through the hole in the middle of the block. The performer displays a block of wood which has a hole running through its center and a length of rope or cord. I am putting my head on the block, as my guesswork could be dead wrong. Yes, it’s my version of Houdini Escape Block solution.

houdini escape

Well, this is what I think how this rope through block trick is done.Īs I do not own or know the actual method of this Houdini Block Escape by Magic Wagon, it is just my assumption. Do you want to know the Houdini Block Escape secret of getting the wooden block to penetrate through the rope or cord?

Houdini escape