![Bluestacks pokemon go not compatible](https://cdn1.cdnme.se/5447227/9-3/2_64e61dfa9606ee7f98e9879b.png)
You’ve arrived to the correct location! To learn more about using Bluestacks to play Clash of Clans on Windows 10, see here.īefore you can cure the Bluestacks Android app player’s ‘Error has occurred’ problem, you need to understand why this error is occurring in the first place. When you attempt to replicate Clash of Clans on your PC using Bluestacks, you get a ‘Error has occurred’ message. The issue is caused by the bluestacks software on PC’s not being able to connect to the internet. The “bluestacks error code -1” is a problem that has been present for a while. These errors can be resolved by resetting your Bluetack’s permissions or by uninstalling and reinstalling it. So, avoid this mistake and enjoy this amazing game as more as you want.The most common issues that people experience when using Bluestacks on their PC are: not being able to authorize the app, software crashes and freezes. Your account could be banned due to this term violation. The Mock Locations app will provide fake GPS to the app, and it is not allowed regarding Pokémon Go app. You have successfully installed Pokémon Go app, and now you can easily play it on your computer. Step 7: Now just install the Pokémon Go app to start playing. Here you will have to select the High Accuracy option. Now open the Settings menu in BlueStacks app and head to the locations settings. Step 6: Now install Developer Options Tool APK and turn it off.
![bluestacks pokemon go not compatible bluestacks pokemon go not compatible](https://androidemulatorapp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/lolwrprotonvpn.jpg)
Now go to SD Card > Windows > Documents and choose Mock Locations to install it. Step 5: Now open the LuckeyPatcher and click on Rebuild & Install from the bottom. Step 4: Now repeat the process and install LuckeyPatcher APK on your BlueStacks app screen. Now you will have to launch the KingRoot app on BlueStacks screen to get the root access. Step 3: Now click on APK option on the left bar and install KingRoot APK.
![Bluestacks pokemon go not compatible](https://cdn1.cdnme.se/5447227/9-3/2_64e61dfa9606ee7f98e9879b.png)